Getting Started with NDIS

Whether you are just beginning your journey in applying for the
individual software funding or are ready to get started with your plan, Wellness Care is here to help.

Our expert team can help you successfully navigate through the NDIS process to ensure you receive the best quality services you need. This step-by-step guide will help you understand how to get started with the National Disability Insurance Scheme.

Talk to our team – To get the ball rolling, book for a free consultation meeting on the link below. We offer a free pre-planning service that prepares you for your NDIS meeting ensuring that you get a comprehensive, well-funded plan that works for you.

Get access to NDIS – To be covered by NDIS, you’ll need to:

  • Be under 65
  • Have an impairment that is likely to be permanent and has a significant impact on your everyday life
  • Be an Australian citizen, permanent resident, or permanent visa holder
  • Live in an NDIS area.

If you meet the access requirements, your funding eligibility will be assessed by an NDIS representative. They’ll also advise when you can access your NDIS plan.

Develop your NDIS plan with help from us – Once you’re eligible, you’ll develop your personal plan with one of our NDIS representatives.

Your plan contains an outline of your goals, what you need to achieve and the funding you’ll receive

For more information on NDIS, visit their website by clicking the button below